Figure 8
Structural comparison of Sa_enolase with other enolases. (a) Overall structure comparison of Sa_enolase with homologous structures from other species. Two regions that display conformational variations are marked with black dashed circles. Structures are coloured purple for Sa_enolase, pink for PDB entry 1e9i (E. coli), sky blue for PDB entry 4ewj (S. pneumoniae), green for PDB entry 1ebh (S. cerevisiae) and cyan for PDB entry 3b97 (H. sapiens). (b) Structural comparison of the ligand-binding site of Sa_enolase (green) with PDB entry 3ujf (sky blue), PDB entry 3qtp (pink) and PDB entry 2xgz (grey). Active-site residues and 2-PG/PEP are depicted as sticks and labelled in black (Sa_enolase numbering). The Mg2+ ions are shown as spheres. |