Figure 3
The use of multiple drops increases the likelihood of hit identification for rare crystallizers. (a) The frequency of finding hits in any subwell or combination of subwells was plotted for all crystallization plates of various levels of promiscuity, i.e. the number of crystallizing wells. For rare crystallizers (number of crystallizing wells ≤ 5) most hits were found in only one of the three subwells (blue shades). The number of wells with hits in multiple subwells (green or orange) increases if the protein also crystallizes in many conditions. Hence, omitting any one subwell would result in up to 30% of hits being missed. The total number of plates for each bar is given at the top of the graph. (b) The frequency of hits in subwells in plates with confirmed and tested diffracting crystals follows the same trend as in (a); the numerical variations are attributable to the necessarily smaller sample size. |