Figure 1
(a) CCano of individual data sets for 28 crystals compared with the reference 28-crystal merged data. Dano from merged and scaled data (forward and inverse) for each sample was compared with Dano from the complete, local-scaled 28-crystal data set. Two data sets (red traces; samples Nos. 152 and 155) are outliers. (b) Correlation coefficients (cumulative to a dmin of 3.5 Å) of structure-factor amplitudes (F) from scaled and merged data for each crystal (forward and inverse wedges combined) for each pairwise combination of samples. Data are coloured on a percentile scale (percentile ranking and correlation values are shown in the key) from blue (lowest correlation) to red (highest correlation). Bold lines separate the crystals of the 14-, 18-, 23- and 28-crystal data sets. This plot is symmetric about the diagonal. |