Figure 6
Comparison of the refined models derived from data collected from in cellulo or purified crystals. (a) Superposition of the two models refined against data from in cellulo crystals (coloured blue) and purified crystals (coloured grey). The protein models are represented in a ribbon representation with nucleotides shown as sticks coloured according to (b). The two models superpose almost perfectly, with an r.m.s.d. of 0.082 Å over all protein atoms. (b) Details of the nucleotides bound to the CPV1 polyhedrin. The nucleotides are shown as sticks with Mg atoms represented as green spheres and water molecules as red spheres. The 2Fo − Fc maps of the final refinement run are shown as a grey mesh with a threshold of 1.5σ; the corresponding Fo − Fc maps are shown as green and red meshes at thresholds of +3σ and −3σ, respectively. Occ., refined occupancies; DBfnt-prot, B-factor difference between nucleotide and protein atoms. |