Figure 1
UHM and ULM domains in splicing factors. (a) Domain composition and arrangement of nuclear proteins containing UHM domains. (b) Sequence alignment of nuclear splicing factors that contain ULM motifs [(K/R)4–6X0–1W(D/E/N/Q)1–2]. Conserved tryptophans are highlighted in yellow, conservative negatively charged and polar amino acids following the tryptophan are highlighted in red and the N-terminal stretch of positively charged amino acids is highlighted in blue. Potential in vivo phosphorylated sites are indicated in green. (c) Sequence alignment of the UHM domains shown in (a). The conserved amino acids known to be involved in the `knob-into-hole' interaction are highlighted in red, and their homologous substitutions are in light red. RBM39 residues that directly bind to U2AF65-ULM are shown in white on a red background. |