Figure 7
Superposition of the structures of the UHM–ULM complexes: (a) RBM39-UHM–U2AF65-ULM (yellow; PDB entry 5cxt ), U2AF35-UHM–U2AF65-ULM (gray; PDB entry 1jmt ), RBM39-UHM–SF3b155-ULM (green; PDB entry 4oz1 ). UHM domains are shown as ribbon representations and ULM peptides are represented as tubes in the corresponding colors. (b)–(d) Details of UHM–ULM molecular recognition in the RBM39–U2AF65 (b), U2AF35–U2AF65 (c) and RBM39–SF3b155 (d) complexes. C atoms are colored as in (a), O atoms red and N atoms blue. C atoms of nonconserved N-terminal residues are colored red. Residues in (d) are numbered according to RBM39 isoform a for the reader's convenience. Dotted lines represent hydrogen bonds. (e) Schematic representation of the `knob-into-hole' UHM–ULM interaction mode. Conserved amino acids are labeled with asterisks. Nonconserved residues next to Trp92 in ULM and their interacting residues in UHM are shown on top in lighter tones. |