Figure 3
Changes in the unit-cell volume in initial crystal characterization. During initial characterization the unit-cell volume change was monitored with respect to the initial 295 K unit cell. The unit-cell volume decrease upon cryoprotection is shown in yellow, the unit-cell volume decrease upon cryocooling naked crystals is presented in purple and the unit-cell volume decrease upon cryocooling naked crystals at a RH of 91% is shown in green. Each set of bars represents one protein crystal system: 1, BAZ2B; 2, Tudor; 3, JMJD2D; 4, MINA53; 5, PHIP(2); 6, TPH2; 7, proteinase K; 8, glucose isomerase (I222). PHIP(2) did not tolerate dehydration, so there is no result for this system. P222 glucose isomerase did not occur at 295 K so only I222 glucose isomerase is represented. |