Figure 7
The distal histidines, α1His58(E7) and β1His63(E7): alternate protonation states. In the α1β1 dimer of T-state HuDeoxyHb both distal histidines are doubly protonated (a) (α1 is shown, but β1 is similar), while in the α2β2 dimer of T-state HuDeoxyHb (b) (α2 is shown, but β2 is similar) both distal histidines are singly protonated. With the presence of ligand in R-state EqCNmetHb (c) (α is shown, but β is similar), the coordinated water molecule is displaced, the singly protonated distal His is hydrogen-bonded to the ligand and Lys(E10) becomes coupled to the heme proprionate group and to His(E7) through a bound water. |