Figure 3
Background analysis of linear gradient IEC–SAXS on BSA. (a) Forward scattering (black), radius of gyration (green) and mass (red) based on the correlated volume for the background-corrected curves in the region of interest. The dotted lines correspond to the expected radius of gyration (dark green) and molecular mass (dark red) of BSA. The grey area indicates which frames were used for subsequent averaging; the arrows indicate the positions of the individual curves shown in (b) and (c). (b) Individual scattering curves and (c) Guinier plots at different positions throughout the chromatogram (the curves are offset for clarity). The colour code and positions in the chromatogram are as indicated in (a). (d) Averaged scattering curve from the region indicated in grey in (a). (e) Guinier fit (light green line) of the scattering curve shown in (d). Open symbols represent points that were not used for fitting. The lower panel shows the residuals. (f) Differences in scattering between the curve found by shifting the buffer run by 130 frames and a clearly under-subtracted curve (120 frames shift, orange) and over-subtracted curve (160 frames shift, blue). |