Figure 2
Positional precision of acoustic transfer allows exploration of the influence of complex dispensing patterns on the solvent tolerance of protein crystals. (a) The requested pattern of dispensing and (b) the resulting 2.5 nl drop pattern within a subwell of a sitting-drop plate. (c–h) Schematic representations of different dispensing patterns showing a crystallization droplet (blue circle), a protein crystal (yellow diamond) and the solvent target locations (red spots) within a sitting-drop well (outer circle). Dispensing patterns investigated were (c) an offset location away from the crystal, (d) direct targeting of the crystal, (e) a ring pattern around the drop edge (15 target locations) or multiple ring patterns across the drop, increasing in target density and final DMSO concentration, with (f) 20% final DMSO concentration (20 target locations), (g) 40% (43 target locations) or (h) 60% (120 target locations). |