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Figure 6
From the crystals to the structures. The crystal structures compared in Table 1[link] are superimposed for lysozyme (a) and concanavalin A (b). The colour code in (a) is as follows: PDB entry 4wld, light green; 4wlt, dark green; 4a7d, light blue; 5lyt, dark grey; 5o6q (this study), blue. In (b) PDB entry 1jbc is coloured dark grey and 5o6n (this study) blue. For both proteins the crystal structures superimpose very well for the main-chain atoms. (c) The diffraction pattern of concanavalin A. (d) The polyimide capillary with HPC-treated crystal is shown as it was visible at the PXII beamline microscope. The nylon thread can be seen on the right. It restricts the volume of the capillary. On top of the polyimide capillary is the PEG 100 000 seal covering the cavity.

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