Figure 1
MC R354 structure. (a) In the structure of the asymmetric unit, MBP (cyan and green) and the MIC (blue) are presented as ribbons and the maltose molecule (magenta) is presented as sticks. (b) 2Fo − Fc electron density (at the 1σ level) around MamC-MIC presented as sticks. MBP is presented as a ribbon (cyan), whereas symmetry-related molecules are in grey. (c) MC R354 (PDB entry 5mm3) shown as sticks (left) and as an electrostatic surface representation (right; blue for positive charges and red for negative charges). (d) MamC-MIC (PDB entry 5e7u) presented as ribbons and sticks. An electrostatic surface representation is shown on the right (blue for positive charges and red for negative charges). |