Figure 3
Crystal structure of GH18A and chitooligosaccharide-complexed GH18A. (a) A cartoon representation of the overall structure of GH18A. The TIM barrel, CID and the unique loop (residues 145–152) are shown in white, gold and cyan, respectively. The aromatic residues that line the substrate-binding groove are shown in blue and the catalytic residues are shown in red. (b) The intermolecular interactions between the amino-acid residues in the substrate-binding groove of GH18A-E217L and (GlcNAc)6. Relevant hydrogen bonds are shown as dotted lines. (c) The intermolecular interactions between the amino-acid residues in the substrate-binding groove of wild-type GH18A and (GlcNAc)6. (d) A structural overlay highlighting the differences between cleaved (GlcNAc)6 binding to wild-type GH18A (in yellow) and intact (GlcNAc)6 binding to GH18A-E217L (in green). |