Figure 1
222 homotetramer of MtFBPaseII. (a) The T84S MtFBPaseII tetramer as calculated by PISA (; Krissinel & Henrick, 2007 ) is displayed with each of the four subunits in a different color. The three orthogonal dyads are indicated: the noncrystallographic horizontal dyad is indicated by a dashed line, the crystallographic dyad described in EcFBPase II (PDB entry 3drl) is indicated by a vertical solid line and the third dyad, perpendicular to the other two, is marked by the black oval in the center. (b) Cα trace of the T84S MtFBPaseII tetramer (blue) superimposed with that of the FBP/SBPase tetramer from Synechocystis (PDB entry 3rpl; red). Alignment of MtFBPaseII with PDB entry 3rpl was performed by superposing the C1 and C2 dimers. Differences can be seen in the length of the C-terminus and the extensions at the top and bottom of the figure. Subunits are identified as C1–C4 beginning at the top left and continue clockwise. Figures were prepared with UCSF Chimera. |