Figure 2
Structural overview of the apo Mek1 FHA domain and its complex with the Hop1 pT318 peptide. (a) An overview of the apo Mek1 FHA domain (cyan). Residues 120–129 are invisible in the density map and are indicated by the dashed black line. (b) Cartoon representation of the Mek1 FHA domain (green) in complex with the Hop1 pT318 peptide (yellow stick model). (c) The electrostatic potential of the FHA–pT318 peptide complex surface, in which positively charged, negatively charged and neutral areas are represented in blue, red and white, respectively. The 2Fo − Fc OMIT density map of the Hop1 pT318 peptide is contoured at 1.0σ (green). (d) Superimposition of the structures of apo Mek1 FHA and the FHA–pT318 complex. Structures of the Mek1 FHA domain and the FHA–Hop1 pT318 complex are shown in cyan and green, respectively. The Hop1 pT318 peptide is shown as a yellow stick model. |