Figure 2
H-Ras in complex with the GTP analog GppNHp (PDB entry 4rsg; Knihtila et al., 2015 ). Unexpectedly, clear neutron scattering-length density could be observed for a protonated (2H) γ-phosphate in the 2Fo − Fc map. The D atoms of the nucleophilic water (hydrogen-bonded to the γ-phosphate and Thr35) are not visible in the density map, suggesting rotational freedom. Ligand C atoms are shown in green. 1H atoms are shown in light gray, while atoms that have undergone exchange to 2H are shown in white. The blue mesh represents a neutron SLD 2Fo − Fc map contoured at σ = 1.0. Reproduced from Schröder et al. (2018 ). |