Figure 2
ZOO architecture. The system consists of beamline hardware, a beamline-control system and programs for specific tasks. ZooNavigator sequentially processes the experimental sequence by communicating with other components. It orders INOCC to center the loop after sample mounting by SPACE. ZooNavigator receives the raster-scanning area from INOCC and starts 2D raster scanning by sending the command to BSS. SHIKA automatically processes the raster images and ZooNavigator receives the heat map and finds crystal positions. KUMA returns suitable attenuation conditions from the crystal size and the user-defined conditions given by ZooNavigator. In helical and mixed schemes, ZooNavigator communicates with HEBI and HITO. ZooNavigator initiates data collection by sending a command to BSS. KAMO automatically detects the latest data sets on data storage and initiates data processing. Blue dashed lines indicate communications between a program and the SPring-8 device controller MADOCA. Programs represented in boxes with dashed lines are Python modules called from ZooNavigator. |