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Figure 1
Schematic of chip-loading procedure. (a) The microcrystal suspension is pipetted onto the surface of the glow-discharged chip, with excess liquid being removed by the application of suction to the opposite surface. (b) Placing chips into the holder: a thin film of Mylar held in place by O-rings seals the chip and prevents drying out. (c) Loading of the chip and holder assembly onto the beamline sample stage during sample exchange: a kinematic mount (magenta) holds the chip in place in a precise and reproducible position, with subsequent alignment carried out using fiducial markings on each chip. The direction of the X-ray beam is indicated as a red arrow, while a schematic of chip movement is shown in green and red stars indicate positions where the chip is stationary and data are collected.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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