Figure 3
Solution of the hRab27aMut(GppNHp) structure by MR. (a) Superposition of the trimmed ensemble used as the MR model (thick grey tube) with the untrimmed models used to generate it: mRab27a(GppNHp) (PDB entry 3bc1; magenta), mRab27b(GDP) (PDB entry 2iey; green), mRab27b(GppNHp) (PDB entry 2zet; orange) and human Rab8a(GppNHp) (PDB entry 4lhw; blue). (b) Detail of the Fo − Fc electron-density map (σ = 2.5) corresponding to the GppNHp molecule (in sticks) and the magnesium cation (magenta sphere). |