Figure 2
Structural characterization of PmScsCΔN. (a) Structure of the PmScsCΔN variant. Structural features are coloured as in Fig. 1 and the secondary-structure elements are labelled based on the native PmScsC structures (Furlong et al., 2017 ). (b) Electron density of the catalytic region in PmScsCΔN. The wire mesh represents the Fo − Fc electron-density difference map (generated in phenix.refine with the region of interest omitted from the structure) contoured to 3σ and shown within a 2 Å radius of each atom. (c) Stereo diagram of the structural alignment of PmScsCΔN (green) with residues 46–221 of chain A from the compact (cyan; PDB entry 4xvw), transitional (yellow; PDB entry 5idr) and extended (magenta; PDB entry 5id4) PmScsC structures (Furlong et al., 2017 ; r.m.s.d. of 0.51–0.68 Å, 174 residues aligned). This superimposition shows that the structures are similar whether or not the trimerization domain is present. |