Figure 5
Comparison of EcYiiP and SoYiiP structures. (a) Structural comparison of the crystal structure of E. coli YiiP (left; PDB entry 3h90; Lu et al., 2009 ) and the cryo-EM structure of S. oneidensis YiiP (right; PDB entry 3j1z; Coudray et al., 2013 ), showing that the transmembrane domains in the cryo-EM structure adopt a more compact conformation. TM3 and TM6 and the CTD are coloured wheat. (b) Overlay of the transmembrane helices of EcYiiP (grey) and SoYiiP (light green and wheat), showing that conformational changes may occur between the bundle of four and the bundle of two TM helices. View from the periplasm. (c) Representation of the Leu152 gate. In the SoYiiP structure (open gate) the orientation of Leu154 (analogous residue) exposes the binding site to the aqueous bulk, whereas TM5 undergoes conformational changes upon zinc binding, leading Leu152 to close the gate. |