Figure 1
Analysis of YfeA from the periplasm of E. coli cells expressing the Yfe transporter. (a) EDS spectra of YfeA crystals grown with EDTA in the crystallization buffer (EDTA) and after 50°C partial denaturation in the presence of EDTA with EDTA in the crystallization buffer (50°C + EDTA), and of purified YfeA from the periplasm of E. coli cells expressing the Yfe transporter in minimal medium (Apo). Data are represented as the mean of three data sets, with bars indicating the standard error of the mean. EDTA: YfeA from LB co-incubated with 2 mM EDTA during crystallization. 50°C + EDTA: 30 s incubation of YfeA with 2 mM EDTA at 50°C. Apo: optimal fractionated YfeA overexpressed by pYFE3 autoinduction in cells grown in M9 minimal medium. (b, c) Analysis of the periplasmic fraction from E. coli cells expressing the Yfe transporter. (b) SDS–PAGE showing 9 h time-course fractionation after inoculating cells into M9 minimal medium. A representative gel is shown; the experiment was performed three times. An asterisk denotes the electrophoretic mobility position to probe for YfeA. (c) Densitometry calculation for the relative abundance of YfeA in the periplasm. Relative abundance is expressed as the percentage of YfeA signal relative to the total periplasm signal in each lane. |