Figure 3
The spring-hammer mechanism in YfeA. The holo YfeA reconstitution experiment reveals zinc binding at site 1 triggers the spring hammer. (a, b) Enlarged images show the model overlaid with anomalous difference electron density contoured at 5σ (magenta mesh) and electron density calculated from a 2Fo − Fc map contoured at 1σ (blue mesh) at site 1. The Zn atom is omitted to emphasize the increase in anomalous difference electron density and peak height (magenta text) after reconstitution of the holo form. A placeholder water molecule (red sphere) is visible coordinating site 1 and the nearby Glu256 in the apo structure (a) (green) as site 1 residue Glu207 is disengaged from the other zinc-coordinating residues. Glu207 replaces the placeholder water molecule and engages site 1 in the reconstituted holo structure (b) (yellow). |