Figure 3
Superspace schematic of a 7× commensurate modulation with two modulation periods every seven subcells. In superspace, when the q vector, the periodic AMF and the average position are combined the observed atomic positions in a 7× supercell (subcells A–G) are described. Here, the q vector is q = (2/7)b*. Through equivalent positions (solid gray circle, projection; dashed gray circle, double projection into t = 0–1 cell) all possible states in the crystal can be represented as a single period of the AMF (enlarged area on the lower right). The dimension shown in superspace here is measured in t (the phase shift of the AMF) collinear to as4, where equal values of t run parallel to R (an example is the line t = 1). Alternatively, the dimension can be measured in fractional x4 units, collinear to as4, where equal values of x4 run parallel to as1 (used to project equivalent positions; the gray lines connecting black filled circles to gray circles). |