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Figure 3
Visualization of crystals embedded in an LCP matrix. (a) Image taken with the on-axis microscope of the MD3 diffractometer. (b) Heat plot of the number of diffraction spots found by Dozor as a function of xy positions tested with a microfocus beam. Pseudo-colors represent the number of diffraction spots per image on a linear scale using the `autumn' colormap ( The highest number of 1300 spots (indicated by a white coloring for the corresponding xy position) was found for a crystal diffracting to a resolution of 2.0 Å. (c) A flat-field-corrected projection recorded by X-ray imaging. (d) Enlargement of the region marked in (a)–(c). (e) Ortho-slice through the 3D tomogram derived from 180 X-ray projection images taken at the y coordinate indicated by the dashed red line in (c). The grayscaling is proportional to the attenuation coefficient. (f) 3D image after identification of regions representing crystals or the mesh mount using iterative segmentation as implemented in the carving workflow of Ilastik. The figure was produced using GLC_Player (

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