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Figure 7
(a) EspΔ58CysM2 (cyan) is superimposed onto the Pro-Esp structure (red). (b) EspΔ65CysM2 (yellow) is superimposed onto EspΔ58CysM2 (cyan). The disulfide bonds between Cys67 and Cys255 are represented as sticks in yellow in (a) and magenta in (b). In both of the CysM2 structures the N-­terminus is locked stabilizing loops 1 and 2, and the oxyanion hole is in the functional conformation. The pro-peptide extension blocks the S1 pocket in EspΔ58CysM2. (a) and (b) are enlarged to highlight the residues at the N-terminus and loops 1 and 2. (c) Crystals of the N-terminal locked Esp variant.

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