Figure 6
Resolution-dependent CC1/2 (a) and 〈I/σ〉 (b) for the scaled data set. (c) Normal probability plot of anomalous differences δanom = (I+ − I−)/[σ2(I+) + σ2(I−)]1/2 (d > 2.13 Å). (d) Scatter plot of ΔIanom pairs (ΔI1 = 〈I+〉1 − 〈I−〉1, ΔI2 = 〈I+〉2 − 〈I−〉2 for random splitting of I+ and I−) and (e) anomalous correlation ratio for acentric reflections [ratio of r.m.s. deviation along y = x to r.m.s. deviation along y = −x in (d)]. |