Figure 8
Initial exploratory scaling and filtering analysis on a multi-crystal TehA data set on 263 groups of ten images. (a) The distribution of ΔCC1/2 values for the image groups after each round (n) of scaling, with the plots limited to counts of 4 and below to display low-count histogram bins. Groups with ΔCCi1/2 < 〈ΔCC1/2〉 − 4σ are shown in red and were removed by the filtering algorithm (the 4σ cutoff is indicated by the dashed line). From the ninth cycle, the lowest ΔCCi1/2 could be considered to be within the tail of the central distribution. (b, c, d) Resolution-averaged CC1/2σ–τ, 〈I/σ〉 and Rp.i.m. per cycle, which show significant improvement in the first seven cycles of scaling and filtering, with more gradual improvement towards the end of the ten cycles. |