Figure 2
Confidence maps facilitate the interpretation of cryo-EM maps. (a) Comparison of cryo-EM and confidence maps at different thresholds for a 1.9 Å resolution TMV reconstruction (EMD-10129). While the cryo-EM map has a strong threshold dependence (top), leading to different map peaks for water molecules (red arrows), the confidence map allows reproducible assignment of water molecules over different significance levels (bottom). (b) Locally filtered cryo-EM map (EMD-9333) of a bacterial ATP synthase (left) with the corresponding confidence map (right), including two magnified views corresponding to the red boxes in the molecule overview. The arrow points to density that is likely to correspond- to a 10×His tag. (c) Cryo-EM map of a eukaryotic ribosome (EMD-0194, left) together with the confidence map (right), including two magnified views. |