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Figure 1
Structure of P46. (a) Cartoon representation of P46. The N-domain is depicted in red (Ala45–Val153) and pale yellow (Asp343–Val401), while the hinge is shown in blue (consisting of three stretches: Ile339-Tyr-Lys-Pro, Ser154-Phe-Asp-Asn and Ser402-Pro-Val-Ile-Val) and the C-­domain is shown in grey (Glu158–Thr338 and Thr407–Asp412). (b) Stereoview showing the (FoFc) OMIT map of maltose (in green) at 3σ. (c) Stereoview showing the (FoFc) OMIT map of xylose (in green) at 3σ corresponding to the structure at 3.5 Å resolution of the complex between P46 and FabP46. The binding site is located in the cleft between the N- and C-domains of P46. In (b) and (c) the corresponding (2FoFc) electron-density maps are also shown (in blue).

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