Figure 7
(a) Stereoview of superposition of the corresponding 9Hyp/ANS (blue) and 7Hyp/ANS (red) crystal-packing patterns in the asymmetric part of the expanded unit cells. The protein molecules are labeled A, B,…, Z, a, b, …, j and arranged along c (black arrow). The direction of labeling (along the c direction in Row I and against it in Row II) is preserved in both structures. The additional eight molecules in 9Hyp/ANS are appended at the end of Row I and the beginning of Row II of 7Hyp/ANS. Small-molecule ligands are shown in ball-and-stick representation. (b) Mapping of corresponding protein chain labels between 9Hyp/ANS (top, blue) and 7Hyp/ANS (bottom, red). The direction of labeling (along the c direction in Row I and against it in Row II) is preserved in both structures. The additional eight molecules in 9Hyp/ANS are attached at the end of Row I and the beginning of Row II of 7Hyp/ANS. |