Figure 3
Comparison of human and whale shark CYRI-B reveals high sequence similarity. (a) Alignment of whale shark and human protein sequences, where divergent amino acids are displayed in red and identical residues are represented by dots. The secondary structure of whale shark CYRI-B is shown above the sequence using the same colour code as in Fig. 1 . The alignment was generated with the NCBI BLAST program (Altschul et al., 1997 , 2005 ). (b) Side chains of residues that are dissimilar between the whale shark and human proteins are represented as spheres on each subdomain of the whale shark CYRI-B structure. Non-conservative differences between the two proteins are shown in bold in (a) and (b). (c) Views of the electrostatic surface of whale shark (left) and human (Phyre homology model; right) CYRI-B proteins. A 360° rotation tour is presented in Supplementary Movie S3. |