Figure 2
Met CXCL13 crystal structure compared with that of a canonical C-X-C chemokine. Data-collection and refinement statistics are shown in Table 1 and structural features are labeled. (a) Met CXCL13 crystallizes in space group P3121 with one monomer in the asymmetric unit. Disulfide bonds are depicted in red. (b) As a representative example, a monomer of CXCL12 (from PDB entry 2nwg; Murphy et al., 2007 ) is shown. Disulfide bonds are depicted in orange. (c) The Met CXCL13 structure contains one monomer in the asymmetric unit, but a symmetry mate shows that a dimer is formed between the unique β0 strands, allowing an overall eight-stranded unit to be seen. (d) CXCL12 is once again used as a comparison to demonstrate how C-X-C chemokines typically dimerize via the β1 strands in the core domain, leading to an overall six-stranded unit. |