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Figure 2
(a) A structural alignment of BRCA1 in the area around Trp1782. PDB entry 2ing is shown in red; homologs are shown in gray. Only the Trp1782 side chain is shown; others are left out for clarity. (b) Side-chain torsion-angle plot of Trp1782 in all homologous protein structure models; PDB entry 2ing is shown in magenta. All 48 homologs have a χ1 angle of around 180° and all but PDB entry 2ing have a χ2 angle of around 40°, while PDB entry 2ing has a χ2 angle of −63°. Molecular-graphics images, as in the other figures, were made with CCP4mg (McNicholas et al., 2011BB28).

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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