Figure 1
Modulation of diffraction intensities for a molecule (represented by a duck) with significant anomalous scattering, so that Friedel's law is not obeyed. The arrangement of molecules in the crystal is shown with the y axis vertical (left) and the intensities shown on a square grid for the h0l layer of reciprocal space (right). (a) A crystal without TNCS and intensities with no modulation. (b) A crystal with TNCS between two molecules, shifted by a vector close to half the y-axis lattice translation. The intensities show weaker than average intensity reflections in the odd rows and stronger than average intensities in the even rows. (c) A crystal with TNCS between two molecules, shifted by a vector close to half the vertical lattice translation and with a 20° rotation. The intensities show the same pattern of intensity modulations as in (b), but not as pronounced. |