Figure 10
The crystal page. (a) The Protein tab. Key information available for this sample is provided on this page. It is possible to navigate to this crystal page by putting the sample name `PSB_93diE01d1c1' in the search box. In this case a PDB deposition has been completed with PDB code 6evp (Murthy et al., 2018 ). It is possible to provide multiple PDB codes. The red cross is the undo button (in case the wrong PDB code has been given). The link `Show in drop viewer' points to the drop viewer and provides access to information on the crystallization conditions. (b) Data-collection information. This crystal has been used as a test crystal on three different rapid-access data-collection sessions at DLS using beamline I03. The link `View crystal at Diamond Light Source' points to the relevant ISPyB page for this crystal. |