Figure 1
(a) CRABPI-L29C with the binding triad (Arg112-Arg132-Tyr134) (ribbon representation, pale blue; O atoms, red; N atoms, blue) and a conserved water molecule hydrogen-bonded to the associated ligand modelled as the 14-carbon myristic acid (stick representation, grey; O atoms, red; N atoms, blue). The protein forms a dimer with noncrystallographic symmetry which, for clarity, has been omitted. Chain A is displayed, with an r.m.s.d. on Cα atoms to chain B of 0.53 Å. (b) Ligand density of MYR in chain A in the ligand-binding site of CRABPI-L29C (2Fo − Fc map including the ligand in the calculation, at contour σ = 1). |