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Figure 5
Comparison of effector binding and T-loop conformation between adGlnK from C. glutamicum and GlnZ from A. brasilense. (a) Superposition of adGlnK (in green) and ADP-bound GlnZ (red; PDB entry 4co1; Truan et al., 2014BB33). (b) Superposition of adGlnK (in green) and Mg-ATP and 2OG-bound GlnZ (blue; PDB entry 3mhy; Truan et al., 2010BB34). For clarity, only a single subunit is shown and hence the contribution of the B- and C-loop residues to effector binding is not shown. (c) Sequence alignment between GlnK and GlnZ. Residues located within 4.5 Å of any bound effector atom are highlighted in red, blue and yellow when involved solely in ADP binding, solely in Mg-ATP/2OG binding or in binding both ADP and Mg-ATP/2OG, respectively

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