Figure 1
KBP sample preparation on holey carbon grids reveals a partially denatured species. (a) SDS–PAGE gel of purified KBP (∼72 kDa). (b) Representative micrograph of KBP prepared on holey carbon grids, showing a gradient of ice thickness and protein concentration in holes in the carbon (+ to −, high to low ice thickness). The transition region between thicker and thinner ice that contained particles contributing to good 2D classes is found roughly between the black dashed lines. Cb, carbon support; UI, unsupported ice. Scale bar = 40 nm. (c) Exemplar well populated 2D classes of KBP prepared on holey carbon grids. (d) 3D reconstruction of KBP prepared on holey carbon grids. Experimental density is shown in semi-transparent light blue. (e) The same as (d) but with our final published KBP model (PDB entry 6zpg), containing 19 helices arranged in a right-handed α-solenoid, shown fitted to the density; eight helices fit well to part of the density (black tubes), five fit poorly (pink tubes) and there is no density for the remaining six (magenta tubes). 90° rotated views are shown as indicated. |