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Figure 4
A minority of KBP particles on GO-free holey grids are fully ordered and provide additional 2D views. (a) Pie charts indicating the proportion of particles representing KBP-partial or KBP-full species on holey carbon grids or holey carbon grids with a GO substrate. (b) Example rare 2D classes of KBP-full prepared on holey carbon grids. (c) Representative micrograph of KBP prepared on holey gold grids, showing a gradient of ice thickness and protein concentration in holes in the gold (+ to −, high to low ice thickness). UI, unsupported ice. Scale bar = 40 nm. (d) Example rare 2D classes of KBP-full prepared on holey gold grids. (e) 3D angular distributions (top, RELION output plot) and Fourier PSFs and Eod (below) for rare KBP-full particles derived from holey carbon (left) and holey gold (right) grids. Orientations of the 3D angular distributions and Fourier PSFs correspond to the KBP reconstruction orientation shown in the bottom image of Fig. 3[link](a). An Eod of >0.8 indicates a very good angular distribution (Naydenova & Russo, 2017BB37). (e) Pie chart indicating the proportion of particles representing KBP-partial or KBP-full species on holey gold grids without GO.

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