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Figure 1
LmBPL is remarkably different in structure from other class I biotin protein ligases. (a) Crystal structure of the LmBPL monomer (PDB entry 6jhu), shown as ribbons, consisting of a large catalytic domain and a small C-terminal domain. (b, c) Structures of the (b) M. tuberculosis (PDB entry 4op0) and (c) P. horikoshii (PDB entry 1wqw) biotin protein ligase monomers, displaying the catalytic domain and the C-terminal domain. In the figure, the β-sheet strands are shown as blue ribbons and helices are shown as green ribbons. All three proteins belong to the class I biotin protein ligases. The figures were prepared using UCSF Chimera (Pettersen et al., 2004BB33).

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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