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Figure 7
Guest electron density in solvent channels. Diffraction data were obtained from crystals like those in Fig. 5[link](d) after 15 days of soaking with Alex-CaM or CytC at BioMAX, Lund and were compared with nonsoaked crystals measured in the same experiment. The data sets were processed in P6122 (a) or P1 (b). Left, protein-assembly cartoons (gray ribbons) were generated from the molecule(s) (blue ribbon) in the asymmetric unit surrounding each channel area marked with a red square. Right, electron density within the channel areas corresponding to each red square on the left for ds-TrpR crystals alone or soaked with Alexa532-CaM or CytC as indicated. Each structure was solved at the indicated resolution. Electron density is represented as 2FoFc maps at a 0.6 r.m.s.d. contour level (upper panels) or at a 0.5 r.m.s.d. contour level with blurring to 150 Å2 (lower panels, blurring as explained in Section 2[link]). The images were generated using Coot.

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