Figure 6
Description of the covalent linkages between methionine (MET), tyrosine (TYR) and tryptophan (TRP) in a MET–TYR–TRP cross-link; examples correspond to haem-dependent catalase–peroxidase enzymes. (a) Chemical diagrams of the individual MET, TYR and TRP components (from the CCP4-ML) and (b) the linked composite compound, in which the covalent linkages are depicted as dotted lines (created using ChemDraw Professional 17.1). (c) and (d) show Coot depictions of a 2.4 Å resololution model (PDB entry 1sj2; Bertrand et al., 2004 ) focused on MET-A255, TYR-A229 and TRP-A107 after re-refinement with REFMAC5. Models were re-refined without modelling the covalent linkage (c) (yellow), using an AceDRG link dictionary (c, d) (green) and using a link record but no dictionary (d) (blue). (e) Coot depiction of a 1.4 Å resolution model (PDB entry 5jhy; Gasselhuber et al., 2016 ) focused on MET-A299, TYR-A273 and TRP-A140. The deposited model is shown (purple), as well as that after re-refinement with REFMAC5 using the AceDRG link dictionary (green). Interatomic distances between covalently linked atoms are shown and are coloured according to the corresponding model. |