Figure 5
The active-site pockets of the CtFDO:4NC, CtFDO:4NP and CtFDO:ABTS complexes (chains A) displayed in the same style as in Fig. 4 . The figures were created in PyMOL (Schrödinger). (a, b) Interactions of two molecules of 4NC (cyan C atoms) and formic acid (FMT; pale green C atoms) in the CtFDO:4NC complex, respectively. (c, d) Interactions of two molecules of 4NP (orange C atoms) and FMT (pale green C atoms) in the CtFDO:4NP complex, respectively. (e) Interactions of ABTS (black C atoms) in the CtFDO:ABTS complex. Asp621 and Arg628 belong to symmetry-related chain B (symB, pink C atoms). Residue Trp97 was modelled in two alternative conformations: alt A (light grey C atoms) and alt B (grey C atoms). |