Figure 2
Ilustration of three types of visual experiences within UnityMol. (a) Interactive raytracing of a simple structural view of the spike–ACE2 complex model derived from cryo-EM experiments (example 1). A series of four images at distinct time intervals is shown to depict the ongoing work of the raytracer. After 25 s a denoiser pass is executed, significantly increasing the visual clarity of the scene. The raytracer indefinitely continues to improve the scene. The fluidity and interactivity are only limited by the CPU-bound performance. The indicated timing was obtained with a 2013 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5. (b) A custom menu extension for example 1, providing the possibility of toggling annotations on and off along with direct access to different representations and viewpoints. (c) Screenshot of a collaborative multi-user session where three participants are examining example 1 with VR headsets and controllers. |