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Figure 1
Comparison of the enzymatic activities of deubiquitinating enzymes. Protease activity of PEDV PLP2 in comparison to SARS-CoV-2 PLpro, MERS-CoV PLpro and PRRSV-MLV vOTU. All enzymes were assessed utilizing single concentrations of (a) 1 µM Ub-AMC, (b) 1 µM ISG15-AMC and (c) 50 µM ZRLRGG-AMC. Readout is measured as the increase in fluorescence over time and is reported as turnover (molecules min−1). Error is reported as the standard deviation. Specific activity data were taken from Freitas et al. (2020BB18), Daczkowski et al. (2017BB10) and Bester et al. (2018BB6).

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