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Figure 3
CCD2 shows the results of many sequence analyses, facilitating the choice of construct boundaries. CCD2 displays the query protein sequence (for example Q9UJ41 isoform 2) between a multiple sequence alignment (usually derived from Ensembl) and the results of multiple sequence analyses. The vivid colours allow an intuitive, visual interpretation of the results; the vertical alignment allows easy mapping of the analyses to the sequence. The user needs only choose where constructs should start or end by clicking on the query sequence. Green boxes indicate start points, red boxes indicate stop positions and yellow boxes indicate residues that are both a start and a stop point. Note that the truncation point at Ala58 was added for illustrative reasons and is unlikely to be a good truncation boundary, since it cuts in a long helix within a globular domain. Q9UJ41 1–48 is expressed, but does not readily crystallize (data not shown). Prediction legend: e, β-strand; h, helix; t, loop; d, disordered; G, globular; * or @, span of the predicted domain (for example ZnF_A20); >, start position of a known structure; A, acetylation; U, ubiquitination.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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