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Figure 6
The active site of manganese superoxide dismutase. (a) The oxidized active site with a doubly protonated Gln143 (PDB entry 7kks, perdeuterated; Azadmanesh et al., 2021BB10). 2FoFc NSLD map (σ = 1.00) is displayed as a blue mesh; H and D atoms are displayed in white and turquoise, respectively. FoFc NSLD omit map is displayed as a mesh with σ = 3.00 in orange and σ = 3.50 in magenta for selected D atoms. (b) The reduced active site with a singly protonated Gln143 (PDB entry 7kkw, perdeuterated; Azadmanesh et al., 2021BB10). 2Fo − Fc NSLD density (σ = 1.00) is displayed as a blue mesh; D atoms are displayed in turquoise, respectively. FoFc NSLD omit map is displayed as a mesh with σ = 2.50 in yellow and σ = 3.00 in orange for selected D atoms.

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