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Figure 1
Three-dimensional reconstruction of whole-cell volumes of HCV replicon-bearing cell lines by cryo-SXT. Control (ad) and HCV replicon-bearing (eh) cell lines were vitrified and subjected to cryo-SXT. (a, b, e, f) Tile-scanned projections showing the area selected for SXT (white square); volume slices of the tomograms from the boxed areas (c, d, g, h) are also shown. Threshold-based isosurface segmentation of the surface boundaries identifies the different organelles present in the cells: normal mitochondria in green, abnormal mitochondria type I in red, abnormal mitochondria type II in purple, ER in yellow, modified ER in brown and nuclear envelope in pink. The same area of volume slice is shown in (d) and (h). Green and yellow arrows in (d) point out the normal mitochondria and ER, respectively. The abnormal mitochondria are pointed out by purple arrows in (h). The scale bars represent 1 µm.

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