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Figure 1
The overall structure and active site of the protein. (a) Overall three-dimensional structure of MctA (PDB entry 7f6e) in an Mg2+-complexed citrate state. The bound Mg2+–citrate molecule is shown as an orange sphere for the Mg2+ ion and a yellow ball-and-stick model for the citrate ion. (b) The Fo − Fc map of Mg2+-complexed citrate (top) and a metal-free citrate molecule (bottom) bound in the active site of MctA. The bound metal ion in the top panel is represented as a black sphere. (c) Interaction between the protein and bound ligand molecules in the active-site pocket. Residues from the NTD, the CTD and the hinge region are shown in pink, green and orange, respectively. The water molecules interacting with the ligand are represented as red spheres. (d) Superposition of the active-site residues of MctA (PDB entry 7f6e) and its closest homolog Atu2467 (PDB entry 3c9h). The residues of MctA and Atu2467 are represented in cyan and pink, respectively.

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